Sunday, September 4, 2011

Theoy in management

Organizational Theory

35 most commonly use theories in management

1. Social cognitive theory

2. Image theory

3. Fairness theory

4. Personal initiative concept

5. Goal setting theory

6. Escalation of commitment

7. Expectancy theory

8. Agency theory

9. Social exchange theory

10. Path goal theory

11. Prospect theory

12. Social information processing theory

13. Theory of action perspective

14. Sensemaking theory

15. Psychological contract theory

16. Equity theory

17. Upper echelons theory

18. Job characteristics theory

19. Employee/organizational commitment

20. Transformational leadership

21. Social identity theory

22. Social learning theory

23. Cognitive evaluation theory

24. Resource based view

25. Organizational effectiveness / POS

26. Organizational knowledge creation – SECI model

27. Stakeholder theory

28. Institutional theory

29. Evolutionary theory for economics and management

30. Neo-institutional theory

31. Contingency theory

32. Population ecology

33. Resource dependence theory

34. Transaction cost economics

35. Personal relationship theory